Do I have to be a Christian to come to your church?
No. Everyone is welcome on equal terms. Christians want to come and worship, others just want to find out what it’s all about. If that’s you, we hope you may come to know about who Jesus is and what that could mean for your life. But no pressure - it may take time. And there are no tests!
What happens there?
We sing - the lyrics are displayed on a screen at the front. You may not know the songs, but sometimes neither do we, so we can learn together. There is a song to sit and listen to as well.
We pray - we are asked if there is a situation or person for which we would like a prayer: this is an opportunity to mention someone if you want to, either here or before the service, but you don’t have to.
We listen - to our Pastor’s talk. He normally reads a short Bible passage and then explores what this is saying to us today.
And afterwards we will happily chat with you over coffee.
Is there a collection?
Yes. It’s what everyone knows about churches! We no longer have a collection during the service, but if you wish to leave something, there are bags at the back on the tables. But it’s up to you.
Is music played by a band?
Not at the moment (If you play, let us know.) We use downloaded music, and lyrics are displayed on a screen at the front. Playing music this way allows us an infinite variety of music to enhance worship.
What sort of music is it?
We try for a good mixture of modern worship songs - ones by, for example, Chris Tomlin, Stuart Townend, Casting Crowns, Matt Redman, Paul Baloche - with the occasional traditional hymn.
How long is the sermon?
Our worship is led by Pastor Ian Burbridge and apart from the music and a time for prayer, there’s a talk on a theme chosen by Ian. There is no set duration, but it is usually not much longer than the ’20 minutes or so’ that is common in other churches. It is always bright and interesting, and may, for example, include graphics or a DVD.
Is there provision for children?
We aim to make all children welcome. Young people are welcome to stay with us during the service, but we also offer our Sunday Club during the second half, where there are talks from the leader and activities but it is quite a varied programme.
What is Communion and what do I have to do?
We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month. This is the part of the worship, usually at the end, where we drink a tiny glass of wine and eat a pinch of bread. These are symbols of the last meal - the Last Supper - that Jesus had before he was taken away and executed. He asked at that meal that we should always remember that the wine represents his blood and the bread his body in the sacrifice for us that he was about to make for us. This obviously has enormous significance for a believer. If you have not reached the stage of having trusted in Christ as your Saviour, just allow the bread and wine to pass you by.